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Home>Research & Production >Research and Development

Continual Innovations And R&D

  R&D is the force which drives product enhancement and advances manufacturing technology. With the realization that the future of any manufacturing company hinges on its R&D effort, we have for years aggressively recruited in CAD and other productivity enhancing tools, implemented MIS system and held technology exchanges with other companies. The goal is to rapidly build our experience and expertise, break through technical bottlenecks, and prepare the technical competence and foundation of our workforce for the challenges of tomorrow.

  R&D is the life blood of Pro Accutech. It is instrumental in improving our excising products and bringing in new technology. While making our machines better, we have not forgotten to design into them operator friendliness and ergonomics, helpful production management features, and increasing level of automation. All these efforts help make our products more powerful, and at the same time, easier to use.

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No.14, Ln. 61, Sec. 1, Guangfu Rd., Sanchong Dist., New Taipei City 241, Taiwan (R.O.C.) | Tel:(02)8512-2546 | Fax:(02)2995-7008 |