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Home>About Proaccutech >Company Profile

Management With Care And Humility

  Since the founding of Pro Accutech in 1985, the company has been carefully managed by several General Managers to mature from a very humble beginning. A number of important implementations including computer networked CAD, design library and management information system, have structured the operation to allow for strong and steady growth in both technical expertise and sales. To face the coming quick changeable challenge, our pioneering spirit is still followed by every employee so that the tradition of continuing development and innovation will endure.

Service And Innovation, Social Responsibilities And Obligations

  For Taiwan 's manufacturing sector, to survive in the tough business environment of the 1990s means facing challenges from intense international competition, worsening labor shortage and stringent environmental regulations. Companies must increase the level of automation and productivity in their existing equipment while addressing environmental concerns. They must also invest in new technologies today in order to stay competitive tomorrow. Meeting these demands is no easy task for Taiwan 's machine building sector, but it does open the door to vast new opportunities. It was with this vision and the spirit of challenge that Pro Accutech was founded.

  During the past years, numerous capable and experienced engineers have joined the company to form a strong machine design and fabrication team dedicated to innovation and development while maintaining respect for intellectual property rights. Open communications and sometimes joint development with the customer are required to ensure the success of each and every project. Finding solution tailored to each customer's problem means a thorough understanding of each project by our design team. It is through this customized approach and attention to every case which have built Pro Accutech's strong reputation and customer relationship.

  To meet our social responsibilities, we have worked with the Materials and Energy Divisions of Taiwan's state-run industrial research center ITRI (Industrial Technology Research Institute) to develop new manufacturing technologies for transfer to local companies. In addition we have helped companies minimize and control pollution by introducing such technologically advanced equipment as VFMPT (vacuum freezing multiple phase transformation), thermal oxidizers with waste heat recovery, and solvent recovery systems.

  With the strong engineering background, Pro Accutech staff will continue to keep pace with engineering development while find ways to integrate new technologies in areas of pollution control and manufacturing automation. We stand ready and strive to serve customer's needs in the environmentally conscious 21st century.


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| No.14, Ln. 61, Sec. 1, Guangfu Rd., Sanchong Dist., New Taipei City 241, Taiwan (R.O.C.) | Tel:(02)8512-2546 | Fax:(02)2995-7008 |